
* The Library accepts Donation of Palm Leaves, Rare Coins, Manuscripts, etc., from the Donors.


This section represents the hub of library activities where lending out of books to readers is facilitated. Moreover all the library activities, the circulation of books for home use is a major public service provided by the library. Nearly all the members of the library visit this section for getting books on loan for home use at one or the other time. In the circulation Section various functions are undertaken viz. Registration of new members, lending of books, reminders for overdue books, reservation of books, Nil Arrear Issue, renewal of membership card records and file-statistics etc. Since from the Year 2000 most of these functions are done on computers with barcode system of automation to give faster service to our members and the Membership cards issued to the library users were also barcoded. Since 2019 onwards RFID technology is used and most exclusively touch screen computers have been installed for the members to search books by title author, keywords and subject through OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogue).

Library Membership Details
MembershipNo of BooksPeriod
Faculty Staff20 90 days
Non Teaching Staff2 30 days
Students4 15 days
M.Phil Scholars10 30 days
Ph.D. Scholars10 45 days